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6/21 - Registration & Orientation (9:00 - 11:00). Bring your boats to be checked by instructors before the official start of sailing season. 


6/23 - Session I Begins 

7/18 - Session I Ends

7/21 - Session II Begins 

TBD - Lighthouse Regatta @ BLYC (green fleet)

8/15 - Session II Ends




Opti 7 - 9:30 – 12:00 M, W, F 

Beginner Optimist class for 7-year-olds only (must be 7 years old by start of program). No experience necessary. This class is designed as an introduction to sailing with an emphasis on fun. Participants move slowly from working with the boat on land to growing accustomed to the boat in the water, all with an eye to safety, comfort and confidence. Club boats are used. No boat usage fee is required at this level. Enrollment is limited.


Opti 1 - 9:30 – 12:00 M, W, F

The Optimist 1 class is designed to teach the beginning sailor the basics: nautical terms, points of sail, sail trim, knots, capsize recovery and docking. Our experienced coaches will teach with an array of activities which will focus on mastering the basics with an eye on safety and fun. Participation in this course may extend beyond one summer. A sailor is ready to move on to Opti 2 when they have attained the skills required in the US Sailing guidelines. Must be 8 years or older by start of program. Each participant must either use his/her own Opti or pay the Opti boat usage fee. Enrollment is limited.


Opti 2 (Green Fleet) - 8:30 – 11:00 M, T, F

The Optimist 2 Sailing class is for independent sailors who have successfully completed Opti 1 or Opti Beginner and have met the US Sailing guidelines for the class. This class is designed to further build confidence on the water, hone the skills of sailing and to introduce the basics of racing. This includes upwind sailing, sail trim, tacking techniques, starting techniques, mark rounding and the basic rules of racing. After completing one four week session, racing in Green Fleet regattas is encouraged but not mandatory. With an emphasis on the mastery of intermediate sailing and introductory racing skills while building confidence, participation in this course may extend beyond one summer. Sailors are encouraged to make best efforts to be rigged and ready prior to the start of class as the session progresses. Boat ownership is requested at this level, but boat rental may be available. Enrollment is limited.


Opti 3 (Red, White and Blue Fleet) - 12:30 – 3:30 M, T, Th, F, and Interclub Regattas on Wednesday

The Optimist 3 Sailing class is for independent sailors who have successfully completed Opti 2 and have met the US Sailing guidelines for the class. This class is designed to further build confidence on the water, hone the skills of sailing with a focus on advanced boat handling techniques and race strategy and tactics. This includes upwind sailing, sail trim, tacking techniques, starting techniques, mark rounding and the rules of racing.  The classes will emphasize learning with some practice for race-day included. Sailors should be rigged and ready at class start time. Racing in Wednesday interclub regattas is encouraged but not mandatory. Boat ownership is required at this level. This is an 8 week course and enrollment is limited.


Adventure Sailing - 12:30 – 3:30 W, Th

Adventure sailing is designed for enthusiastic sailors 12 or older who have completed at least one summer of sailing. Sailors are introduced to various club boats and learn basic boat handling skills in a relaxed format. This course is ideal for those who want to get comfortable handling a boat out on the water while having fun with friends. Club boats are used for this class, and there are no boat usage fees. Enrollment is limited. 


420 Advanced - 12:30 – 3:30 M, T, Th, F, and Interclub Regattas on Wednesday

These sailors are a minimum of 12 years old and are at least 100 lbs. They are confident sailors who have an interest in racing although participation in interclubs is not required. They must have completed Intro to 420 and have the recommendation of the sailing director. Sailors focus on racing skills including teamwork, advanced boat handling. sail trim. speed performance, starting techniques, mark-rounding, tactics and the US Sailing Rules of Racing. Sailors should be rigged and ready at class start time. Sailors are expected to participate in LBIYRA events but are not required. Those not participating in LBIYRA events will not have practice on the days those events take place. Boat ownership is strongly encouraged but not mandatory. Boat usage fees apply if using a club boat.


OPTI REGATTA FEE: In the event that a sailor chooses to participate in a regatta that is outside of their Opti class level or he/she is not currently enrolled in one of BLYC’s sailing classes, a fee in the amount of $100.00, plus applicable credit card fees, shall be due and owing prior to the regatta to cover coaching fees. The sailor’s participation in the regatta is also subject to Director approval.


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